But as commenters on PubPeer noted, a quick read of the manuscript would have revealed problems far deeper than a stupid initialism.Īnother direct quote from the article: “Ancient ancestors had 12 strand DNA, hence had more intelligence than modern humans. So SWASTIK in the abstract should have given at least one editor over at MTP pause. After all, no one has heard of the North American Zoological Informatics Society for a good reason. Just because you have a right to call yourself something doesn’t mean you should. And please, everyone knows the swastika was a symbol long before Hitler and his gang appropriated it as their glyph of choice. Unless you’re into Black metal (and if you don’t know this genre, Malcolm Gladwell has done the homework), invoking the Third Reich with your group name isn’t a great look. Our team’s works on different types of ancient materials properties for advanced space radiation, Raja Loha, A high-heat-absorbing alloy used for the bodies of various flying crafts, preparation, properties of each material in its compositions, and our research works on food, clothing of ancient astronauts and Materials for propulsion like sun crystal, Electromagnets reveal that it results in an advanced interplanetary aerospace materials and are deciphered by our team SWASTIK. Our team SWASTIK (Scientific Works on Advanced Space Technology Investigators for Knowledge) is group of researchers working on ancient science and technology. This paper introduces modern day rediscoveries and Reinventions from Vimana shasthra. The article, “ Puratana Aakasha-Yantrika Nirmana Sadhanavasthu (Ancient Aero-mechanical manufacturing materials) ,” appeared in a 2017 issue of Materials Today Proceedings and was written by a group of aeronautical engineers in India.Īerospace materials of ancient ancestors are more highly advanced than compared to that of modern.
Elsevier is looking into how one of its journals published a paper which makes bizarre claims about the knowledge of the ancients and contains an acronym with unmistakable and horrific historical significance.